The Dental Entrepreneur Program: Leadership from inside out and expansive growth for your dental practice

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Module 1 – Healthy Leading: Self-Awareness and Insight

Do you know who you are? What are your strengths and weaknesses, what really drives you? Research shows that self-awareness—knowing who we are and how others see us—is the foundation for high performance. When we see ourselves clearly, we are more confident and more creative. We make sounder decisions, build stronger relationships, and communicate more effectively. ⠀ 

You will discover how to improve your self-awareness (across a number of disciplines), and how to use this insight to be more fulfilled, confident, and successful in life and in work. We’ll also talk about why it’s important for you to become an authentic leader, and how to build healthy and effective habits and processes into your daily life and routine. We’ll also cover this from a health, wealth and happiness - integrating your life with self-discipline to produce results (includes an introduction into financial intelligence).

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Module 2 – Brand and Team Building  

We will teach you the universal story points all humans respond to, the real reason patients make purchases, how to simplify a brand message so people understand it, and how to create the most effective messaging for websites, brochures, and social media. 

We show you what factors are important when it comes to building the right culture and team, and what you need to do to create a highly functioning and successful group around you.  We have the General Manager of

Nike Sportwear UK to deliver how Nike stay ahead of the game and what changes they have made in this new world.

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Module 3 - New Patient Experience and Patient Journey

We will provide you with a practical guide to planning, facilitating and delivering a strategic, supportive and effective patient journey and experience. 

We will explore the concept of emotional intelligence and show you to use the power of communication to connect with your patients - you will develop the skills necessary to inspire confidence, gain trust, build credibility, motivate others, and command influence in everything you do. 

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Module 4 - Financial Intelligence and Creating an Award Winning Practice.

Most dentists are just one step away from being wealthy. Learning financial intelligence and understanding how to invest your money is critical to reduce trading your time for money. In this module will understand hourly rate, forecasts, Profit & Loss and much more.

We’ll explore the business of Dentistry, and provide you with the right structure and tools for financial stability and lift off. We will teach you a proven set of principles, and provide you with a method and a system to drive your financial security to the next level.